Sabtu, 12 Agustus 2017

The Adolescent Acne - Peculiarities, Truths and Tips

During adolescence comes a stage in which many adolescents admit they would like to disappear from the earth: "the adolescent acne". It is when young people feel the world is coming up and they start to ban most delicious food.

The adolescent acne is a disease of age and we should not feel bad with it, but face it and realize that will soon pass. It is a chronic inflammatory disease that mainly affects adolescents and is characterized by clinical polymorphism consists of:

1. No inflammatory lesions (blackheads).

2. Inflammatory lesions (pustules, nodules, cysts).

3. Residual lesions (scars).

The onset of the condition occurs in puberty, but is not uncommon to find it between the second and third decades of life, especially in women. According to some experts, the main symptoms of acne are caused by the ingestion of foods such as peanuts, chocolate, mayonnaise, butter and fat-rich foods.

Men produce small amounts of female hormones and women produce some male ones, that is why we have some common changes, including the one that affect both at this time: acne, which is favored by the increase of male hormones. So, that is the main reason acne usually is more severe in men.

In adolescence, young people should give adequate care to their skin. Acne can sometimes disappear spontaneously in early adulthood, but requires further therapeutic measures that help to shorten their development and reduce the severity of the process avoiding complications that might leave some sequels.

There are some myths about acne that should be considered as having little or no truth, because many times they do more harm than help, these myths are about the influence of diet, sex or vitamins on this kind of condition. It has been scientifically proved that what we eat has no direct or immediate influence on the production of acne lesions. It is neither true that washing the face more times than usually or by rubbing stronger than suggested, it will not improve acne, far from it, may get worse.

People who have an oily skin are more likely to suffer from acne as a result of dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, which are clogged and not functioning properly. If the above are added to the occlusion of the hair follicle by powders, creams and soaps too fatty, ingestion of certain medications (such as iodides and bromides), an inadequate nutrition (chocolate, cheese and other foods high in fat) are given all factors for the adolescent acne appears.

That is why we recommend the cleaning of the facial region twice daily with antibacterial or sulfur soap. Also go to the medical specialist and not apply any product identified by no-authorized specialists or "well intentioned" friends, which far from improving, can irritate your skin getting worse the adolescent acne condition.

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